Kimberly Casey has over 25 years of experience in public finance, specializing in projects financed by special taxing districts and authorities. Kim represents issuers, underwriters, lenders, and developers in a variety of debt transactions, including general obligation (limited tax and unlimited tax) bonds, revenue-backed financings (secured by sales taxes, property taxes, tax increment, water and wastewater system revenues, intergovernmental revenue-sharing arrangements, and public improvement fees), direct loans, credit-enhanced securities, and lease purchase transactions.

Kim has had the distinct pleasure of devoting most of her career to working with financing teams dedicated to building communities in Colorado—which she has called home for most of her life—though, in recent years, she has expanded her practice into other regions using similar special district financing tools, including projects in Utah.

Kim values collaboration. In the deal-specific context, she enjoys, and is skilled at, fostering communication and soliciting input from all participants and counsel throughout the transaction with a view to arriving at the closing table with documentation that best serves the project.

In the broader industry context, Kim appreciates the opportunity to work with bankers and fellow attorneys to develop best practices for those utilizing special district financing tools, as well as to advise on public policy matters and proposed legislation with the goal of preserving and improving the efficacy of such tools.

Kim welcomes the opportunity to apply her expertise to develop legal constructs and documentation for emerging financial structures, appreciates the challenge of the new and novel, and considers herself especially adept at translating complex concepts onto paper and into procedures that work post-closing. She strives to produce the highest quality product in the most efficient manner possible.

In her free time, Kim enjoys hiking, paddle boarding, boating, family activities and travel.

Professional Activities

  • Member, National Association of Bond Lawyers
  • Member, Women in Public Finance

Recognition & Accomplishments

  • The Best Lawyers in America, Public Finance Law (Denver), 2021-2025

Speaking Engagements

  • Kim has served as a faculty presenter at numerous regional municipal conferences hosted by the Colorado Governmental Finance Officers Association, the Colorado Municipal League, and the Special District Association and at numerous National Association of Bond Lawyers’ Fundamentals Seminars.